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gifts wrapped abstract and  bright using colors HEX colors #5e88ea, #ff5757, #000, #ff66c4


Struggling to find a gift? 

RVA Gift Finder is there to help. Just follow these three steps, and you have gift ideas in no time!

Example of a quiz question in the RVA Gift Finder quiz

1. Take the Gifting Quiz

Tell us a little bit about who you are shopping for through our interactive gifting quiz. We will use this information to generate ideas or provide product recommendations based on the service you select in step 2. 

2. Pick a Gifting Service

Decide how you want your ideas to be generated and what type of service you may like from a range of flexible options. 

AI Gift Finder service image with Yellow BG

Fast Option

5 AI Curated Ideas

Starting from $10

Our AI assistant Megan is here to help with fast responses. They use trained knowledge from our expert gift givers to offer you five gifting ideas almost instantaneously via email.

RVA Gift Finder Personally Curated Ideas service image

24 - 48 Hours

5 Personally Curated Ideas

Starting from $25

Get five ideas from a real gift-giving expert, delivered personally in 24-48 hours. With this option, you may be asked additional questions to help curate the best list possible.

personal shopping abstract gift image for service

Delivery Options

Personal Shopping

Starting from $35

Get the personally curated ideas service, plus Gift Finder RVA will purchase your gift on your behalf and have it delivered to you— Fee, deliver costs, plus 10% commission.

3. Ideas Delivered.

Get five curated ideas for challenging someone straight to your inbox. As Simple As That.

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